
Jun 19, 2013

Web Wednesday - Outdoor Fun!

This summer has been forecasted to be rainy and wet.  We are looking to make the best out of each and every sunny day we can get by playing outside!  We would love to share some sites that suggest activities to try out and play together.

From Modern Parents, Messy Kids, you can scope out a list of 25 ideas for outdoor play. Each day is another chance to explore the great outdoors together and interact with nature.  Ideas run the gamut from creating critters from items found in nature to hosting a camp-out.  Another top 25 list from the same site offers up excellent sports and activities. Bowling with tin cans or a creative fishing game await you on this list.  If you're not familiar with Modern Parents, Messy Kids - you are in for a treat!

If you are looking to share old favorites with a new generation, look no further than Wired magazine's Geek Dad .  Classic games such as Kick the Can and Marco Polo are broken down for easy play, and each game includes an equipment list.  The nice thing about these games is the majority of them don't require anything other than you, a friend, and the great outdoors!

She Knows offers 8 more outdoor activities that involve teams or a bigger group of pals to play with.  The site also suggests other games traditionally found on the playground.  From a shoebox relay race to flashlight tag, you'll have a blast with your friends!

Finally, Family Education offers a huge collection of ideas.  From snacks and crafts to games and experiments, this list will help you keep busy this summer. For the pre-tween set, the site has created a list of summer activities and organized them by variety.  Gardening, games, and more physical activities are a few of the headings you can search under.  Warning: You may lose track of time while surfing this site!  Once you read one list, you may see another slideshow of ideas you want to scope out. 
If you stop by the library, make sure you ask your librarians to point you towards some summer fun books.