Family Game Night
My family and I had the opportunity to attend a day at GenCon
– an entire convention dedicated to gaming.
Held annually in Indianapolis, GenCon started 50 years ago and has been
growing since the beginning. This 4-day
convention sold out for the first time ever and is said to have hosted almost 208,000 attendees.
So for this Thursday Three, I thought I would share three
family friendly games we played at GenCon.

by Blue Orange
Ages 8+, 2-4 players
Ages 8+, 2-4 players

Purchase directly through Blue Orange or Amazon.
Sparkle*Kitty by Breaking Games
Ages 6+, 3-8 players (Release date October 3, 2017)
game isn’t even out yet but we can’t wait to own it! We got a chance to play a demo at GenCon. Choose a princess (of course I chose Princess
Bookworm!) and build a tower. Get out of
the tower by saying nonsense “spells” created by matching cards by color or
symbol. The first princess to get out of
the tower is the winner. This was easy
to learn, fun to play, and even my 11-year-old son enjoyed it!
Only available for preorder right now through Breaking Games.
Do you have any favorite games to play as a family? Comment and let us know!
Do you have any favorite games to play as a family? Comment and let us know!